
We accept work from undergraduates at any accredited institution. To learn how to get your work published, please read our submissions guidelines.


We are hiring the following positions. If interested, please fill out the form below!

Associate Editor - responsible for taking submissions through review process by networking with reviewers, as well as providing editing and copy-editing feedback to the authors.

Copyeditor - responsible for reviewing articles thoroughly for grammatical errors and sending feedback to the associate editor.

Media Associate/Graphic Designer - responsible for designing flyers/brochures when needed, creating layouts for accepted submissions, and updating website.

Social Media Manager - responsible for updating our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts with current happenings and updates about the journal.


We are always looking for additional reviewers! If you are interested in becoming a faculty, graduate, or undergraduate referee for JUR, please review our referee guidelines. Next send us your resume or CV and a list of topics you would be comfortable reviewing.


JUR offers editing and operations internship opportunities for undergraduates wishing to gain experience in the publication process. If you are interested in an internship, send us your resume or CV, a writing sample, and a statement expressing why you would like to be part of our team. This is an excellent option for a remote internship opportunity!


JUR accepts both commercial and University-affiliated advertising. If you are interested in advertising in our journal, please contact us at

Acquiring Print Copies

If you would like to order the latest issue of JURSE, please send us your name and shipping address. Suggested donations are $15 per copy and may be made as checks made payable to CSU Foundations (memo: JUR) and should be sent to the following address:

JUR: Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Excellence
Campus Delivery 1052 The Institute for Learning and Teaching
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1052